Formerly known as Quantitative Radiology Solutions

Personalized cancer treatment decisions through body wide analysis of medical images

Our unique technology helps physicians make better treatment decisions by supporting recognition and analysis of anatomical structures and diseased tissue using MRI, CT, and PET/CT images.

Quantaras Contour Companion

Quantaras Contour Companion is a FDA cleared cloud-based software only medical device that performs auto-contouring of organs at risk in the Head and Neck and Thorax.

Our Story

Our team has decades of experience developing and taking image processing, computer vision, and medical imaging software from idea to product.

Automatic Anatomy Recognition was developed in the Department of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Drs. Jayaram Udupa and Drew Torigian from the Medical Imaging Processing Group (MIPG) formed QRS to support increased use of medical imaging to improve treatment decisions. Drs. Udupa and Torigian developed tools in clinical use at Penn and Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia and wanted to make these tools available outside to other clinicians.

Joe Camaratta joined the company as President & CEO in 2015 to enable commercialization of AAR, and brought Steve Owens on board as CTO/COO to lead product development, quality & regulatory affairs, and operations.

Our Clinical Advisors

Charles Simone, MD

Chief Medical Officer

New York Proton Center

Clifford Robinson, MD


Radiation Oncology and Medicine (Cardiology)

Drew A. Torigian, MD

Professor of Radiology

Hospital of University of Pennsylvania

Clinical Director

Medical Image Processing Group (MIPG)